Monday 9/14 - William Tyler (Merge Records)
Saturday September 12, 2015
Doors at 7p - Music starting at 8p
$6 at the door
All ages, 12 and under free
Bar open for 21+, cash and card accepted

When he's not on the road,William Tyler calls Nashville home. Currently, he is touring in support of his most recent release, Lost Colony, the follow-up EP to his critically acclaimed 2013 release Impossible Truth.
After over a year of solo touring in support of Impossible Truth, Tyler was excited to write and arrange more for an ensemble: “Including these guys as part of the band has totally transformed the way I look at playing this music because it feels more like family on these songs. I am not hammering away in a private/existential manner all by myself. We tracked it as a band, there were other people to bounce ideas off.” Giving the full-band treatment to “We Can’t Go Home Again” allowed Tyler to breathe new life into both his song and his creative process.
Including a pedal steel guitar-infused cover of “Karussell” explores Tyler’s enthusiasm for seventies German psychedelic music.
He said, “I am trying to explore the territory between country rock and ‘Krautrock.’ It’s something I would like to go into more when approaching my next album.”